Scribing Her Scars

(for Lee)


Write away, Love.
…….Drink deep now, and slay
your dragons with a pen.
…..Bold and broken, you
are mighty. Hold tight
…………to hope, pressed full page. Someday,
……………..we’ll love the world again.



Shared at Trifecta.



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16 Responses to Scribing Her Scars

  1. ♥ Hope pressed full…yes, filled and brimming spilling from the page. Beauty.

  2. atrm61 says:

    Wow-this is wonderful writing!Loved the richness!

  3. This made me tear up. “slay / your dragons with a pen” — writing is so good for that, if you can get yourself in that state when you are so broken. This is very inspirational for all of us who have, at one time or other, been broken. “Someday,/ we’ll love the world again” So touching. I understand this line so well. I’m not so sure if we can ever love it as we once did — speaking for myself, anyway. Again, very touching.

  4. KymmInBarcelona says:

    Yes, immersed.
    Love the dragon line, De!

  5. Suzanne says:

    Oh, this is so gorgeous – from beginning to end! 🙂

  6. Your heart must be very big to have written words that speak so deeply and profoundly to those souls so desperately in need of encouragement and solace. A wise and compassionate bit of poetry you have there, my friend. Outstanding, as always. 🙂

  7. Draug419 says:


  8. Christine says:

    Dang, De, you always blow me away. I wish I had half the grace with words that you do have. I’d love to set this to music…

  9. I’ll always love the world as long as you’re writing in it.

  10. You do a great job here of capturing a very specific tone. That is really difficult.

  11. Valerie says:

    This was simply amazing! Every word was a wok of art! Congrats on a win thoroughly deserved!

  12. Kir Piccini says:

    Wow. Wow. and Wow.
    I felt every word and that was such a rush. It’s beautiful!!!

  13. Momo says:

    Really beautiful and moving. Hold tight to hope pressed full to page…stunning. Congratulations on a much deserved 1st place with this piece.

  14. The last line was my favorite. Well done.

  15. shannoncity says:

    I love this to bits!

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