Cartography 101 

There’s an old man 
on the corner of North 
and True who says 
he’ll show me 
   the way

but his compass rose 
blooms at the bottom 
       of a bottle 


so I think I’ll stick 
with this molasses sky 
and a map

                -led moon. 

It’s Quadrille Monday over at dVerse, and I’m hosting! Come play!

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57 Responses to Cartography 101 

  1. Oh no, nothing good can coming from the bottom of a bottle if you want to find your way

  2. Oh, map-led, mapled, marvellous. This is just gorgeous.

  3. kim881 says:

    I like the title, De, which kind of put me in mind of Bob Dylan or Whistler! A compass in a bottle is ominous. I love the play on words in the final stanza.

  4. Grace says:

    Love the word break specially the mapled moon. And you will never know what you will find at the bottom of the bottle under the molasses sky.

  5. A brilliant write, De!

  6. merrildsmith says:

    “a map
    -led moon.” Wonderful! Such a well-crafted poem, De!

  7. Helen says:

    I’ll give you the map and the moon …. I’m ready to check out the old man! Your quadrille is a delight!! Thank you for the challenge today.

  8. msjadeli says:

    De, there are so many of those people standing on metaphorical corners, happy to lead the way. The moon has at least the illusion of being trustworthy…

  9. De, this stunning imagery! The map led moon is sooo good!

  10. Love the molasses sky.

  11. Shawna says:

    This is unbelievably clever, De. A molasses sky? A maple moon? And then the way you got “LED” in there! You are so crafty. ♡

    I also see how lightly you touched on a possibly sinister storyline in the opening — perhaps a dangerous Santa eyeballing a child the wrong way. This could be very creepy, but you make it clear that the speaker will stay safe.

  12. rogblog666 says:

    follow the stars for sure. leave that guy with thebottle well behind.

  13. Gillena Cox says:

    Nice one. Maybe better to go for a new age technology map find than look back to the old😊


  14. lynn__ says:

    Choose the mapled moon anytime over map in bottom of a bottle! Thanks, De, for guiding our prompt today 🙂

  15. Jim says:

    Just stick with me — No way
    I liked this, De. No telling where that “compass” would take ‘you’ guys.
    BTW, I did make the change. Thank you for getting me straight. The instructions this time didn’t say a word or words I could use to I just mapped it out without.
    My change was in the first two lines,
    “It’s over the hill
    just read the map”
    and then the same directions, the second original line disappeared with the same word and syllable count. Worked our fine.

    • whimsygizmo says:

      Perfect, Jim! Glad you were able to adjust it easily, and still an awesome poem.
      I do see I wasn’t as specific in the body of the post as I usually am, but the end section did say this:
      “Pen us a poem of exactly 44 words, not counting the title, and containing some form of the word map.”

  16. Truedessa says:

    Beware of what one might see at the bottom of a bottle…could be good or evil …pirates often hid treasure maps in a bottle….so it made me think of a whiskey sky.

  17. rothpoetry says:

    The map will get you there every time! Well done.

  18. Nolsen says:

    Brilliant poem and imagery!

  19. Aboli Mane says:

    The humor in this one got me, of course, one must not trust what’s at the bottom of a bottle 😄

  20. Clever word-play. Your man needs a new map.

  21. Pingback: The Map – Silver Moon Cove

  22. “The corner of North and True…molasses sky…a map-led moon.” The bottle that blooms. The bottle that leads or misleads comes in many forms. Excellent word artistry, message and imagery. 🙌

  23. Good choice! I want to eat that molasses sky and map-led moon up with a spoon. I always dig your wordplay!

  24. A wise decision, I’d say – and much more fun too.

  25. Pingback: Slow dancing with maps – Mother Wintermoon

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