the weak at a glance 

maybe by friday 
i’ll have the 
to get over you. 

maybe by friday 
i’ll feel like 
burning your brown Henley, 
forgetting your smile.

maybe by friday 
my heart will mend. 

maybe by friday 
i’ll find breath again.

                                       but today is only tuesday.

It’s Quadrille Monday, and I’m hosting. Come play! (And double-dip, if you please!)

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27 Responses to the weak at a glance 

  1. This is excellent! Very well written.

  2. You nailed it. Your Q’s are stellar–and your titles are little bits of genius in themselves.

  3. Ron. says:

    Good Fridays always seem so far away, don’t they, DJ? Great work &THANKS for the cool prompt.

  4. msjadeli says:

    Well done, De. I hear you.

  5. Great write, sometimes it takes a week…others weeks. As long as you breathe!

  6. Gillena Cox says:

    Ha; luv the end twist!!!


  7. I wonder if this is a reason for Friday to come faster… but do not burn the Henley that late.

  8. Another stunning Q! Nobody writes them like you, De.

  9. kim881 says:

    I love the poignant play on words, especially in the title, De, and the ending is so good!

  10. Kir Piccini says:

    Your word play and puns are my weakness every week 😉

  11. Helen says:

    Oh dear … a long way to go I fear! I love the poem, the rhythm and the way you enclosed audacity! Thanks for a great challenge.

  12. dorahak says:

    A poignant quadrille, De. Love it.

  13. Truedessa says:

    ha who knows what Friday will bring. Hopefully, the heart will mend but, on Tuesday it doesn’t seem likely.

    clever and I can relate,

  14. ouch! I hear you, sob-sister! some weak tea is required, or a strong whisky if that’s more your sling…

    masterly encapsulation of grieving grievances x

  15. Very effective poem, the repetition leads us along to the less optimistic end. You’ve a long week ahead!

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