

Bird, it’s shocking
how much you don’t
have to say, just
mumbling away
on another’s song.
I suppose there’s
nothing wrong with
humming along, but
has it really been that
long since you
knew your own

Written for Poetic Bloomings.

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4 Responses to Mocking

  1. Meena Rose says:


    We love your blog and have found your blog very inspiring. We would like to include you on our list of nominees for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. You can see the award from the blogger who nominated us here,

    Should you choose to accept this award, here are the rules for accepting the award:

    The Rules

    Display the award logo on your blog.
    Link back to the person who nominated you.
    State 7 things about yourself.
    Nominate 15 bloggers for this blog and link to their pages.
    Notify these bloggers of the nomination and the awards’ requirements.

    We hope you consider accepting though there is no obligation and if you have received the award before, we understand you may choose not to accept another. However, we do hope you know we appreciate how you inspire us and we love your work as well as your blog!

    Meena Rose and Claudette Young

    • whimsygizmo says:

      Thank you SO much, ladies. I’m so honored. I honestly don’t know when I will have/find/make the time to follow the rules – especially “display the award logo on your blog;” that one alone always take me forever to figure out, tech-wise. If I don’t get back to this in the next week or so, please know that I appreciate the honor, and your encouragement, so much. You both inspire, daily.

  2. Oh, such an interesting take & twist on PA’s birdie prompt! (And why should that surprise me??) But, even though I do love mockingbirds, I really LOVE this piece, De! 🙂

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