
She’s an odd bird, this thrush
………………………..and beating thing, shallow
and swallowed in her own
……………….ribbed cage. Save her something
shiny, maybe, raven her
………………veins with ink and solitary
…………………………………… Steep her in her own dark
……………………………-winged sway,
door unlocked.
…………………………Maybe she’ll stay.

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8 Responses to MockingHeart

  1. Kir Piccini says:

    everything you write inspires me, awes me.
    That last line was just poetic.

  2. Shawna says:

    Gorgeous: “raven her veins”

  3. Shallow and swallowed in her own ribbed cage – that was my favorite part. We have some baby blue birds that just hatched in our yard (well in a house in our yard!), so I was thinking of those creatures. But it does describe a poet hesitant poet as well.

  4. innatejames says:

    Gorgeous. Love the word play! it was well placed, could feel gimmicky and it felt natural.

  5. Jennifer G. Knoblock says:

    So amazing. Beautiful and brilliant. Definitely one of my favorites.

  6. KymmInBarcelona says:

    This is just gorgeous, De! How your words sing.

Use your words.

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