Answering only with Spring


Oh, sweet spontaneous earth
and all things new and now and wow,
I wish I were more go
with the flow
than plot
and plan and wring
my hands. Oh, to be
more bloom
than doom,
more song
than longing.

Give me blossoms
sprung from trees, breeze
that wanders where it may.

Give me some semblance
of seizing
just this one day.


Written for Prompt Nights, week 2


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13 Responses to Answering only with Spring

  1. gh0stpupp3t says:

    I love Spring too. 🙂

  2. Sanaa Rizvi says:

    Love this 😀 such a sweet and tender longing in your verse 😀
    Beautifully penned. Thanks for playing De 😀

    Lots of love,

  3. PSC says:

    Oh, YES!! Perfect, De. ❤

  4. Shawna says:

    I hear you. Really.

  5. Susan says:

    Bravo! It’s all yours for the asking!

  6. Candy says:

    blossoms and breeze – whimsy and longing all rolled into one!

  7. Varan says:

    I love that clever title. It hides a world of story. (“Only” is a noun; “Spring” is a verb.)
    “all things new and now and wow” … I really like this.
    “I wish I were more go” … Nah. Leaving is totally overrated.
    You got some clever line breaks in there.
    “Give me some semblance of see-zing” … Nice.

  8. Ah wonderful what you do with the rhymes… I would like to be like that too… but it takes too much planning.

  9. drnurit says:

    Best prayer! So perfectly penned, De!

  10. sreejaharikrishnan says:


  11. ihatepoetry says:

    But blooms and songs don’t spur us to creation, but rather to adoration. Give me doom and longing and a blank canvas; I’ll supply the rest. Excellent.

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