
Living juicy
……………………………………..tumble bumble beach feet
writing down the bones
where water comes together with other water
………….(falling up)
1…2…3 parts
past perfect, present tense.

………………………………………………..Some kind of ride.


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19 Responses to Poetspeak

  1. whimsygizmo says:

    Prompted by:
    (who got the idea from Pinterest…click the link above to see her link to the original.)
    Also called “Spine Poetry.” Big fun. Play along!
    (The gist: grab some books from your shelves, and assemble their titles into a poem.)

  2. margo roby says:

    What fun yours is. I notice we share several of the same writing books. I may need to reread a few over the summer! And, I adore SARK.

  3. This is beautiful. Thank you for the link back and for playing along!

  4. dianadomino says:

    This is fun. I need to go hang out the the library and do this. ^_^

  5. Yousei Hime says:

    How can you not like something with “writing down the bones” and “where water comes together with other water”? You had good fodder for poem feeding there. 😀

  6. Oh, of course your spine poem looks just like your regular poetry!!! Colorful and with a unique beauty!! Great one, De!!

  7. sorrygnat says:

    fun-i have writing down the bones and poemcrazy! recommend good stuff when you think of it?

  8. muddykinzer says:

    That’s great! “Writing Down the Bones” is a great title and a great line!

  9. Misky says:

    Brilliantly fun!!

  10. Shawna says:

    This looks like a fun activity.

    “past perfect, present tense” … Doesn’t the comma have a lot of power? “past, perfect present, tense” … I’d like a little word reversal: “past tense, present perfect” If only we could turn time into cutouts, mix and match our own puzzle

    “Living juicy” is my favorite part, of course. 🙂

  11. becca givens says:

    I am following the breadcrumbs from one entry to the site to each of you. What a fun prompt!! 🙂

Use your words.

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