Throwing Stones at Wayward Thrones


We are the princesses of ice
and fire and fog and fluff. We have
had enough of your glass
and your velvet chairs
not meant for sitting
and your golden stair
demands of our locks. Your frocks
of silk and satin and lace
have no place here. Our legs
are bare and our feet
are filthy, mudluscious in
their river

We pebble stories and we
crown our heads in only daisies
and sunlight, fairy kisses and
the bright bright embrace
of moon. We swoon
for only breeze, the whisper
of trees on our un-noosed
necks; our un
-bodiced bodies sway
with delight at the sight
of our ink-smudged cheeks
and our mussed hair.

If you dare
to join us, take off
your fussy shoes
and your bruised ego
and your high-horse haught.

And that dragon
you think you’ve caught?
……………….Bring him.

Now he knows how to dance.


Delightfully prompted by Miz Q. Also shared over at Toads


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19 Responses to Throwing Stones at Wayward Thrones

  1. julespaige says:

    Make room for me…I’ll be there. You are right the dragon dances better than I do 🙂
    I did a flash fiction for this prompt (here’s the link):
    Off My Rocker?

  2. ‘We swoon for only breeze, the whisper of trees on our un-noosed necks; our un -bodiced bodies sway with delight at the sight of our ink-smudged cheeks and our mussed hair’ …love this, De!❤️

  3. Shawna says:

    Hot damn. You are on fire today!!!

  4. Shawna says:

    Dragons are definitely uncatchable and go exactly where they want, with whomever, and whenever, they please. 🙂

  5. Oh yes… if the princess has any sense I think she will have more fun with this gang… love it.

  6. Sherry Marr says:

    You wooed those words to spin a fine tale. Loved it.

  7. kanzensakura says:

    Especially the Japanese black dragons! Wow, those critters can move! You are on a roll today Miss De. I* love it.

  8. the “we pebble stories” I swear describes my girls when they were pre-teenagers and so creative – I still see them this way – lovely!

  9. thotpurge says:

    Love the dragon bit!!! Great ending…

  10. “We have
    had enough of your glass
    slippers”…. you go, girl!

  11. coalblack says:

    Fuck yeah! I want this tattooed on my freaking forehead. From mudlicious to fussy shoes to a dragon who can dance, the writing is superb, but it’s the message that made me want to let out a whoop. In fact, I think I did!

    Alternate comment: “Intriguing.” runzzz…..

  12. OH MY GOODNESS! This is brilliant, the best poem ever. We are Rising. I LOVE this, De.

  13. Daisy-crowned and armed to the teeth with bring-on-the-wild-living. Where’s my dragon? I have a new tune that wants to be danced.

  14. kim881 says:

    I love the rebelliousness and wilfulness of the princesses of ice, the bare legs and filthy feet, ‘mudluscious in
    their river
    and their un-noosed necks and un-bodiced bodies’.
    Yes, De – bring on the dragon!

  15. Esther Bernstein says:

    Lovelovelove every part of this! ❤

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